Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Missing you.... Missing me.... Just missing

I wasn't going to write about this observation, but it has a hold of me and it won’t let go. 

So, #1 child has a best friend.  Lately they have been drifting apart, and while she is sad about that, she understands extenuating circumstances.  She trusts that their relationship is strong enough to weather the storm.  She will always be a friend.  Isn't that the way it should be? 

The other day I noticed on social media this friend was tagged in a picture with another and the caption read something about “best friends.”  I am happy for both girls.  I understand the need to have true, lasting and healthy friendships in life.

But it got me to wondering….

Does the new best friend know that there once was another, before her? 

Does she know that there is another who she could thank for laying the foundation of true friendship? 

Now please don’t misunderstand….. #1 child, while feeling slightly orphaned,  is very excited for her bestie who has finally found what she has always wanted, a friend her own age who loves her without condition.

I wonder….why is it that we, although created to be highly relational, cannot be more inclusive of those we love?

But, #2 child has added fuel to my questioning fire. 

She has a best friend, as much as a middle school-er can have a best friend.  They just met a few months ago and spent a lot of time together.  But lately her best friend doesn't seem to have much time for her.  The notes which used to be passed between the two like water over Niagara Falls has slowed to an occasional rain drop in the midst of a drought. And she is feeling parched.

And #2 child doesn't understand why.

I wonder ……how can we love someone so much and then slowly, quietly without realizing what happened, not even think about them. 
How does love fade into mere cordial greetings and salutations?
And how do we explain something to our babies that we ourselves cannot fully understand?

I wonder… Is there someone out there who misses me?

I know I am missing a few friends from other seasons of my life. 
And I wonder about my responsibility in all of this? 
Do I need to invest?  Make a phone call? Drop a card? Stop by? 
“Self-imposed isolation” was a phrase a heard this week and it resonated ……in my very soul. 

And again I wondered…. Does anyone miss me? 

More importantly does Jesus miss me when I am in my self –imposed isolation? 

Trying to stay covered in the dust…. 
Knowing that means coming out of isolation ~Ch

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