Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fairy Godmother

My tummy hurts today.

Too much coffee… or.... attempting to hit the reset on life as I know it.

We could go with the coffee theory but, I am pretty sure that simply is not the case.

I was coaxed out of a sweet slumber this morning with little hands on my face and a warm snuggle from my second favorite guy.  (But don’t tell him he’s second to his daddy, he gets upset.)  As we cuddled and eased our eyes open to the day, he said something that resonated in my heart,

“I love these times together.” With a sleepy grin

“What times Bud?” I whispered

“When it’s just you and me, Mama.”  
And he kissed my cheek and bounced out of bed and off to the kitchen in search of the elusive breakfast.

As I slothfully followed my bouncing bundle of boy, 
I thought how I am not quite ready for it to be just him and me, 
but how normal it seems when it is.  

Because of the vast chasm in age between all of my children, each of them have had exclusive one on one time with me while the others have been off at school, work, sports, friends, church, etc….  
So being alone with each my babies is not a novelty. 

But this season, this is different. 
I am so excited that my fairest of flowers is blooming 
in the most beautiful way 
as she has embarked on her collegiate adventure.  
And, while her relocation to campus means a freedom of sorts 
in regards to balancing 5 people here at home for me, 
it also brings with it a bit of a bitter taste. 

Yes, my goal as a mama has been to train her up, 
give her wings, 
help her understand what I understand of life… 
but when she steps out and puts all of those things into practice, 
this mama, while proud of the lessons learned, 
is melancholy for the job well done. 

The planning is over.  
The preparation is completed.  
The anticipation, reached.  

And I guess, 
much like Fairy Godmother must have felt to see Cinderella off to the ball, 
I am excited to hear of her adventures, 
while waving goodbye as she sets off.  

She is beautiful. 
She is prepared. 
She knows the expectations. 
She is fully equipped. 
She has a mission.  
She is confident.  I have done my job and now all I can do is wave and wait…

Several times this week, in several different ways I have heard the Lord whisper to me 
“Well done, good and faithful one…”  
And several times I have inhaled His grace 
and exhaled my fear, 
and my anxiety, 
and my pain. 

I am appreciative He has been at the helm as we have raised her.  
I am overwhelmed by His care not only of her but of us as well.  
I am thankful for His salvation.  
I am blessed by our child and His.

And now as I wave and wait, I will gather myself together, chew on a few Tums r and focus on the other two who are still here.  Their time to launch will come before we know it.  

Guess I had better get ready, the next one graduates in 5 brief years!  

Covered in His Dust~Ch  

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