Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Story of Me.... Epilogue.... for now

My time with Aunt Fran was invaluable to my understanding of God’s grace to forgive all that I had experienced.  It was a unique situation but she discipled me that way that Jesus discipled his followers, by doing life together.  In doing so, she ingrained in me the need for real, authentic, transparent Christian community.  
This has become my passion….



small groups, 

To see those, who are where I once was, come into transformational relationship with Jesus is the cry of my heart. 

So, who am I?  

I am waiting to see. 

I am still working out my faith… daily, sometimes stumbling, but always looking forward.   

Today I have been married for almost 14 years to God’s gift to me.  
I am a mother of 3 amazing children who all seek to follow Christ and His call for their lives.  
I am the founding director of a  13 year old outreach ministry at my home church called Kids’ Closet, which                 I do strictly on a volunteer basis. 
I am the chair of the Adult Christian Education Committee, lead several small groups and engage in formal and informal mentoring of men and women of all ages. 
I am fully ordained by Church of God, Anderson as of June 2011.  
I obtained my Bachelor of Science degree in Christian Ministries from Mid-America Christian University in December of 2011. 
I have been blessed to teach at Western PA youth camp for the past 4 years and multiple other conferences and retreats.  

But my greatest title by far is 

a saved by grace child of The Most High God 

and it is on Him I trust and who I rely on to move me forward... 
while I stay covered in the dust of The Rabbi.

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