It has been a while since my last post, over a month actually. I was pondering that.
Is is because I have nothing to say? Hardly!
If you are my friend you know that this cannot possibly be true. So why?
Well, maybe I am lazy....
or busy....
or distracted....
whatever the excuse, it is simply disobedience.
See, I have come to understand that my writing is not for you, or even for me, my hands on the keyboard, thoughts flowing, ideas creating pictures are really in essence, my worship of my Lord. It is my humble offering of the small talent He has given me that I return to Him in worship.
I have been reading this week through the account of the holy week in the gospel of Mark. What a roller coaster of a week. When I really stopped to think about the range of emotions and events that occurred during that week, even my toughest week is a walk in the park compared to this week in history, and not just for Jesus but for everyone involved.
So, to gain some further perspective on the week, I also picked up a Lucado book called, "And the Angels Were Silent." I am a huge Lucado fan. When I was a new believer, I was able to more easily understand the Word when explained by the simple average everyday words of this author and teacher. I read this book early on in my walk and decided to revisit it this week. And in chapter 7 Lucado talks about "the guy with the donkey."
When Jesus prepares for His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, He send his disciples into town to procure a donkey & colt for His journey according to Mark 11.1-3 which they do. Here is what is interesting to me, until this point, the scriptures are silent as to Jesus ever traveling by any other means than by foot. Hmmmm? This may mean nothing, but it is interesting nonetheless.
Something else..... the language Jesus uses cites an ancient law that requires a kings subject to hand over anything that the king may need at his request. So, essentially, Jesus is claiming to be king. The response of the donkey's owner is not recorded for us to know, but what we do know is that the Jesus rides the donkey into town.
So here is my question.... to myself really... have I denied Jesus my donkey when I have neglected to give him the tithe of His great gift to me? I would like to say I have not, but let's be honest. I have not posted any thoughts here to share with you or Him in over a month. I have hidden my donkey, maybe because I think it is ugly, or feeble or unworthy. I could make all kinds of excuses but in reality, I have dug a hole for my small talents because I have been comparing myself to the other servants around me who have been blessed with more than I have. I am envious. And the reality of it is ugly.
God has blessed me. I am not able to do what others do, my donkey may not be as pretty as yours but it is mine. And while I cannot do what others do in the Kingdom, for my Lord, they cannot do what I can. We will not reach the same people. Our stories will not connect with everyone in the same way. I must be faithful with what he has given me or I am guilty of wasting my potential, just as I am encouraging others not to waste their own. The hardest lessons learned are the ones we look into the mirror and say but they are the most powerful as well.
Lesson for today.... be faithful with what He HAS given me, without concern for what he has given others or what I don't have. Following the Resurrection and before the ascension, Jesus Himself tell Peter to mind his own plate so to speak in John 21.22 "Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me."
Jesus hasn't called me to follow Angela, or Laura, or Melissa, or Brenda. He has called me to follow Him and I am following. As I go, I am worshiping Him, with my meager gift of words which are my personal gift back to Him for all He has given me.
Trying to stay as close as I can to be cover in the dust of The Rabbi~
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