Have you heard of the "paper diet"?
It is not the kind of diet we have grown accustomed to, but for me it seems even more difficult. If that's even possible. This is the process of eradicating paper from your life and your home..... piles, stacks, bundles of paper. This may not seem like a big deal, but let me tell you it is. I have recently begun to wonder if the state of the sacks in my home, purse, life are not evidence of the state of my heart.... and that is extremely troubling to me.
These stacks of paper are often nothing more than deposits of debris, I can't seems to let go of. More realistically, they are issues that I can't, won't, or am unable to deal with... not be because I am unable. Well, that might not be exactly correct either. But it is just paper! What is the deal?!
I think there must be something much more deeply rooted in this issue of ... do I dare say... hoarding? I hold onto junk mail that I want to review, catalogs which picture things I covet if I only had the money, letters that require attention at some unknown future time, school paper with stars and stickers, arts, crafts, notes, lists, programs, phone numbers, emails, the list is truly endless.... it goes on, and on, and on, just like my paper.
This morning something occurred to me while reading the scriptures. Matthew 6.19 "Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them, and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal them." Now bear with me, I have read this verse over many times before.... right, right, right, don't be a hoarder. But it wasn't until this morning that it occurred to me that this goes for my piles too. I always thought of the command to be for keeping those things that were of value, not my pile. Who would want to steal my plies of paper?
However, the Word also tells us in Hebrew 12.1 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." To throw off everything.... EVERYTHING. Even my piles? Even my piles. See, these pile do not make my life easy. They hinder me. They hinder me from being effective, from being productive, from being organized, from doing a lot of the things that God has called me to be. My piles are a bit of control for me I guess. If I have these things, these pieces of paper, these reminders then I won't forget. I will be able to handle my life. But just like sin, these piles masquerade themselves to be good when in actuality, the very thing that appears to be good in my life is my nemesis. The very thing that I hold onto in an attempt to maintain control is the one thing that spins me out of control.
Control. That is for God anyway. That is what I have said. I will surrender to Him daily who is my Jehovah Jireh, God my Provider. I have allowed Him access to my life. Given Him Lordship over my heart, but this one area.... Do I really think He cannot handle my piles? Do I trust Him to provide? Am I afraid of being less than I am, of not being able, or capable of handling the matters of my family. Maybe, but isn't that God's job anyway? He has given me the tools I need in order to be as organized a any "normal" mother of three. Is any mother of three able to find "normal"?
It is time to let go. But what if I forget? What if I never gain read those preschool scribbles on a scrap paper that says "I <3 mom"? What if I forget about the amazing pencil drawing of a ballerina done in the spare time of my 'tweener? What if I forget about the devotions intently written during Sunday school of my nearly adult daughter? In the greater scheme of things.... I wonder if it matters?
Praying for God to provide me with the grace, strength, and courage I need to go on a paper diet. To eradicate unnecessary paper from my life.The first part of the word diet is "die." Christ has called me to die to self daily. I guess this issue of clutter is one I need to begin to process through, with God in control, of all of my life.... including the clutter.
Trying to get close enough to be cover in the dust today~
Christy, this is a struggle for me, too. I have piles everywhere! Papers to be filed, junk mail to check before tossing, catalogs, coupons, and the list goes on, and on, and on. . . One thing that I would caution you about is the children's drawings, essays, cards, etc. These are "things" that you will treasure later and may even share with your grandchildren:-) Unfortunately, my clutter consists of much more than just paper. . .scrap booking materials stacked up in the dining room, cd's that need a home, magazines to be read, and just piles of "stuff" to be gone through. If I spent as much time eliminating these piles as I do hunting for organization ideas on Pinterest they wouldn't be such an issue! Any and all suggestions welcome.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing AND understanding Marsha! Mine is much more than paper too. But much of the stuff stacks neatly with paper. I have done my best to avoid pintrest for just THAT reason too!
ReplyDeleteI too welcome suggestions & ideas. Maybe we can hold each other accountable to clearing one pile a week with the intention of preventing it from returning!?!