Thursday, January 24, 2013

My one word 2013

What would life be like without them? 
They are powerful. 
Holding the future for those who hear them. 
Destroying what could be.
Distorting what was. 
It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword. 
Words carry the power of life and death, let’s be honest.  Stick and stones may break my bones but words……
Words have wielded their power in my life…. for bad and for good. 

Words have been used by friend and foe in my life and whether the intent was to help or harm those words have left lasting scars on my life, on my heart, on my soul.  Scars leave the injured area tougher than before. 

Funny thing, I have a passionate love affair with words.  I find myself avoiding words… writing, reading, even at times speaking words, much like an addict avoids the object of her addiction.  Yet, I, like the junkie cannot stay away from my beloved for long.   I open the book, magazine, the kindle, even the labels in my kitchen and cannot stop feeding my hunger for words.  I swoon and sigh with relief as if the words itself satisfy an itch, a craving. 

And when, I can set aside my fear; unresolved, unreasonable, un-understandable, I share the words “bump tumbling” around in my head (thank you, T. Geisel).  Many of the words I share are not mine alone, but when you entertain friends for any length of time, they become part of you.  The lines blur, where you end and they begin melts into an ombre of thoughts and words. 

Words, mostly they have been a weapon formed against me which I have tried to dodge and run for cover from.  Have been…..


Past tense. 

I have learned many things since beginning my journey with Jesus Christ.  The lessons could fill a book.  In fact they have, the Bible.

Word… The Word was with God and The Word was God…. (John 1.1)
I could spend hours,
months trying to share with you the Truth I have found in Jesus,
The Word.

Maybe I will be able to articulate my understanding of The Word in the weeks to come.  But for now, I am claiming as my word for the year of 2013, “word”

It has so many dimensions.  I can scarcely scratch the surface nor possibly do my thoughts and ideas justice.  So suffice it to say that I will be diligent to try to use my words this year to bring glory and honor to God.

God SPOKE and created the cosmos with words.
God SAID man was created good.
God SENT His son.
God SPOKE and broke His silence to fallen world.
God CALLED the dead to rise.
God NAMED this child His beloved.
God SPOKE His desire to use me.
God SAID and I believed.

Jesus is The Word.  God Spoke.  He has placed in me a desire to use the words He has taught me the words He has placed in me.  My One Word for 2013 is "word."

Hang on… the implications are endless!

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