I cannot grasp what is happening in my heart and mind lately.
If I dare share it, I run the risk of being ostracized, questioned, discredited… for what little credit I even have. So, why not share?
Fear is exactly where the Enemy likes to keep us, treading the waters of fear. But in reality, what is fear? I have heard fear being defined as “false evidence appearing real” and that is why we embrace fear. We are shown evidence that, by all rights, appears to be the reality of the situation at hand. However, the reality is the truth, absent of opinion, of slant. Reality is what is it is, yet our view of that reality is, more often than not, warped depending upon which glass we view it through. And so, the warped view of reality and the potential ramifications of that false reality habitually keeps us from stepping into the clarity of Truth. Sadly, we live within the bondage of fear.
So, in a moment of fleshly insanity, I am stepping out of the raging waters of fear and onto solid ground of Truth.
The further I follow God’s lead the more confused I become.
Heresy, I know.
The more confusing life becomes while following God, the more at peace I am.
Sound like a typical schizophrenic, I am aware.
Hence, my reluctance to be transparent.
But isn’t that exactly what Paul was trying to explain in 2 Corinthians 12.9b-10
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses,
so that Christ's power may rest on me.
That is why, for Christ's sake,
I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.
For when I am weak, then I am strong.
It is the Truth that Jesus shared in Matthew 20.16
"So the last will be first, and the first will be last."
Fragmented thoughts today, maybe.
This much I do know, I am more today than who I ever thought I could be and THAT is something I believe is within the reach of simply everyone.
I know it is oblivious but, not everyone is like me. And while I have my own experiences and ideas which have helped shaped who I am today, That doesn’t mean I can, should or even want to force myself and my ideas onto others. But I do believe that there are many who are not living up to their God given potential simply because no one has told them they can be more, better, happier, peace filled.
I love people and desire to see them succeed. I have to accept who and where they are in order to navigate the journey with them. Sometimes, that appears to be less salt and light and more approval of the cultural norms of this world. But there is a difference between acceptance and approval.
So while I know who I was and embrace who I am, I live a fragmented life in the tension between the two, the balance of what was, what is and what is yet to be, the tension between acceptance and approval.
The end thoughts of all of this rambling…
Walk a mile in another’s shoes before dropping the gavel of judgment on their road.
Look at everyone through the lens of love, understanding that someone loves them… a mother, a sister, a child, a puppy.
EVERYONE is worthy of someone’s love and therefore, worthy PERIOD.
Covered in the dust
This much I do know, I am more today than who I ever thought I could be and THAT is something I believe is within the reach of simply everyone.
I know it is oblivious but, not everyone is like me. And while I have my own experiences and ideas which have helped shaped who I am today, That doesn’t mean I can, should or even want to force myself and my ideas onto others. But I do believe that there are many who are not living up to their God given potential simply because no one has told them they can be more, better, happier, peace filled.
I love people and desire to see them succeed. I have to accept who and where they are in order to navigate the journey with them. Sometimes, that appears to be less salt and light and more approval of the cultural norms of this world. But there is a difference between acceptance and approval.
So while I know who I was and embrace who I am, I live a fragmented life in the tension between the two, the balance of what was, what is and what is yet to be, the tension between acceptance and approval.
The end thoughts of all of this rambling…
Walk a mile in another’s shoes before dropping the gavel of judgment on their road.
Look at everyone through the lens of love, understanding that someone loves them… a mother, a sister, a child, a puppy.
EVERYONE is worthy of someone’s love and therefore, worthy PERIOD.
Covered in the dust
Somewhere in Time by Victor Bregeda