Try to follow this line of thinking...
I have a friend whose husband is incarcerated. Never mind the circumstances that is not the important part, but what is important is this story she shared with me. I can't get it out of my head, or the ideas that it produced, so I am sharing it with you..... (Lucky! Lucky!) But first, some background information...
My friend & her husband have been married for a significant period of time. They have a relationship not because they share the same space (like many in this culture) but in spite of being separated. They communicate daily but that communication does not have immediate results, many times because it is written communication. Yet, they are faithful to correspond with each other daily. They have a weekly telephone conversation and a bi-weekly visit with each other, that they take full advantage of. They know each other. I think they may actually know each other better than some spouses who live together know each other.
So, now the story....
The husband was in a situation that concerned the wife. She shared her concerns with her husband but he seemed unfazed with her concerns. In her wisdom, the wife began praying for God to intervene without her intervention. After several months of prayer the situation was resolved without another word being spoken between the spouses. During the next visit couple had, the husband mentioned the situation and said to the wife "You were praying for that solution, weren't you?" The wife answered, "Yes. How did you know?" The husband simply answered, "I know my wife." and the topic was abandoned.
Now, I have not been able to think of much else lately except this scenario. This story for me was an amazing example of our relationship with God. We have a relationship with God and we communicate with him daily, sometimes we "visit" him with a deep study of His Word. Sometimes we get a "phone call" from him when we spend time in fasting and prayer. But we know each other. We may not ever get to put our arms around God. He may seem to be separated from us but we have access to Him. But even more importantly because we cultivate a relationship with Him, we know Him. But most importantly, He knows us!
He knows you. Let that sink in for a moment.
He knows what you struggle with, what you need, why your hearts ache. He knows what makes you laugh. God knows you and desires to spend time with you. It is not a one time event. It is the cultivation of a relationship. When you know someone intimately, you long to be with the one you love. Jesus longs to be with you. You are His Beloved. Everything He did was for you...